Sunday, January 1, 2012

Has anyone heard about Mitch Mstaign leaveing the Arkansas Razorback program and what are your takes on it.?

Good riddance to bad rubbish if you ask me! What coach in his right mind would trade a 1,000 + yard rusher for a FRESHMAN QB who "has the tools"? College football is about WINNING, and when McFadden and Jones started WINNING, it shouldn't matter what Mustain could or couldn't do. He had enough basic skills to beat teams like Vanderbilt and Tennessee and a couple others, but why would anyone care with a guy like McFadden back there? I hope Mustain goes somewhere and fades into college football obscurity and ultimately ends up asking "Do you want fries with that?" Had Mustain shown some COMPOSURE and MATURITY when it counted most, Arkansas would be in position NEXT year to dominate with the tightening of a few screws in the O-line and WR corps. Oh well.......

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