Sunday, January 1, 2012

Last night my husband and I had a conversation it went something like this:.......?

I have read all of your question. It really seems like you may be married to a brat who has difficulty facing reality. There are a lot of other Navy people out there with years and years more experience in their job, with leadership positions and lots of college education that get out of the Navy and have a horrible time trying to find anything even close to the pay and benefits he is receiving now even at the three year mark. He is living in la la land thinking he will be able to get out with zero more education than he went in with, at his age of 27 and think he will be able to find ONE job that will be able to take care of his family in the way you all like. Here's a hint. I have three different civilian friends who never served in the military. They all have families and they all have college degrees from very good universities. They all pay out of their own pocket for health care insurance. The minimum is $800 a month for a family of 4. Does your husband really believe he will be able to leave the Navy behind with no added education under his belt, no real leadership skills because he is probably no higher than an E4 and go out in the real world and get a real job that gives you guys all that he has now? Yes the Navy can suck a lot. He is still at his first command. He needs to do a lot of research and find a better command and reenlist for orders. He needs to bust some and advance to the next pay grade so he can have a better life at work and more pay at home. He can be stationed nearly anywhere with his rating, but from what you are saying it really sounds like he is just doing life day by day and not doing a single thing to make life better for himself or his family. Why should you have to support a baby like him who is a grown man at 27 years of age and 28 if he gets out just because he doesn't like his job? If you both work that is one thing you can choose to do, but he sounds like he likes to take the easy way out of things and would be totally happy to let you bring home all the money. There is a pattern here. He ended up in the Navy at 24 for some reason and it probably has something to do with having no ability to pay the bills and you being pregnant and unable to support him still. Am I right. Not an uncommon story you know. You seem much more mature than he is and you need to put your foot down and tell him to step up and be a man. Unless he can guarantee a REAL job with REAL benefits and REAL pay before he gets out, bue better at least extend for a year or so so he can get his crap together. I have friends the are Nuclear Engineers in the Navy and has several degrees in the same subject and even they have a hard time getting good jobs out in the real world. You need to start talking about the real world and what will happen to your family if he can't get a job. Can you earn enough on your own to support all 4 of you with rent, food, insurance, cars, utilities......everything on your own. If the answer is no than he needs to stay in the Navy until he can take care of your family with and without your help. If anything happens to you, he would have to take care of everything and if he can't do that he needs to do whatever it takes to be able to do so. Sorry to be honest, but I know A LOT about situations just like yours.

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